23andMe Data Breach Lawsuit: A Fad? See If You Are Eligible

Did you receive the 23andMe Data Breach Lawsuit email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

Guess what? Monica Santana and Paula Kleynburd have taken 23andMe Inc. to court. They’re not too happy with the company, and here’s why: they’re saying 23andMe didn’t do a good job of keeping their sensitive info safe. You see, there was a data breach, and they think 23andMe didn’t protect the information they had, which they should’ve.

Who Is Eligible For The 23andMe Data Breach Lawsuit

Monica Santana and Paula Kleynburd have big plans. They’re looking to lead the charge for people all across the nation who had their private info messed with during that 23andMe data breach. They’re on a mission to make sure folks get the justice they deserve.

How Much Is The Settlement

Santana and Kleynburd are pulling out all the stops here. They’re throwing the book at 23andMe, accusing them of all sorts of things like unjust enrichment, negligence, and invading privacy.

Their wish list? Well, it’s quite a list: they want the court to make it clear what’s what, they want things to change for the better, and they’re also aiming for damages – the compensatory, statutory, punitive, and actual kind – not just for themselves, but for all the folks in their class.

How To File A Claim

There is currently no claim from available right now, fill one out when it is.


Santana, et al. v. 23andMe Inc., Case No. 3:23-cv-05147, is not a scam. Just like Journey’s unsolicited text message settlement. Santana and Kleynburd are pulling out all the stops here. They’re throwing the book at 23andMe, accusing them of all sorts of things like unjust enrichment, negligence, and invading privacy.

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