Reviews: Scam Store Ripping Off Buyers- Beware! is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for bags but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending to be various websites like Louis Vuitton, Gucci,… Reviews: Scam Store Ripping Off Buyers- Beware! is a fake store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for items for footwears but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending to be various websites that sells footwears…

| Reviews: Fake Air Jordan Store- Beware! is a fake Air Jordan store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for Air Jordan Sneakers but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending to be Air Jordan website… Reviews: Scam Store Ripping Off Buyers- Avoid At All Costs! is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for dresses or coats but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is running ads on Facebook claiming to be… Reviews: An Authentic Or Scam Website? Read To Know! is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for Knit sweaters but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is owned and operated by Kentesh Ltd whose reputation… Reviews: Genuine Store Or Another Scam? is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for Hoodies but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is that there is no business address provided on this… Reviews: Legit Or Scam Store Ripping Off Buyers? is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for speaker but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is running ads on Facebook claiming to be selling speakers….

Don’t Get Scammed By Fake Stanley Cup Outlet Scam Stores

Scammers are back with a polished scam. Fake Stanley Cup Outlet Scam Stores is the recent scam on the block. Fraudulent websites posing as A website that sells drinkware and Gear- bottles, tumblers, glowers etc. After receiving payments from buyers, the scammers abscond with customers money. How Does the scam work? What are warning… Reviews: Scam Apple Store- Steer Clear! is a fake Apple store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for apple products but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending to be Apple website whereas it’s not….