Biometric Impression BIPA Settlement: See If You Qualify

Did you receive the Biometric Impression BIPA Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

Biometric Impressions is paying out $10.85 million to settle allegations of breaking Illinois biometric laws. What’s the fuss? Well, they were accused of snatching people’s fingerprints without asking for permission.

Who Is Eligible For The Biometric Impression BIPA Settlement

If you got fingerprinted by them between Jan. 8, 2015, and Aug. 14, 2023, and the state of Illinois didn’t foot the bill, you might be in for a slice of the settlement.

According to the lawsuit, Biometric Impressions went ahead and did the fingerprinting without bothering with the whole disclosure and consent dance required by Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). Basically, BIPA wants businesses to play by the rules and spill the details before diving into collecting fingerprints and facial scans.

How Much Is The Settlement

They haven’t exactly thrown their hands up in admission of guilt, but they’ve decided to settle the score with $10.85 million. If you’re part of the class, meaning you got fingerprinted by these guys between Jan. 8, 2015, and Aug. 14, 2023, and Illinois didn’t foot the bill, you could get yourself a chunk of that settlement. How much? Well, it depends on the number of claims, but you might be looking at up to a grand.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a valid claim form before the deadline.

Click here to fill out a valid claim form


Finally, Sayas v. BioMetric Impressions Corp., Case No. 2020-CH-00210, is not a scam. Just like Allianz Global Assistance Settlement, They’ve decided to settle the score with $10.85 million. If you’re part of the class, meaning you got fingerprinted by these guys between Jan. 8, 2015, and Aug. 14, 2023, and Illinois didn’t foot the bill, you could get yourself a chunk of that settlement.

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