Behind The Cannabis Ban Lawsuit: All You Need To Know
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Who Is Eligible For The Cannabis Ban Lawsuit
Four legal marijuana businesses in Massachusetts have banded together and gone straight to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland with a lawsuit. They want to put an end to the enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act, especially when it comes to marijuana trading within the state.
The people here includes Canna Provisions, Gyasi Sellers, Wiseacre Farm, and Verano Holdings, and they’re not too happy with the federal cannabis ban. They’re saying it’s causing all sorts of headaches, like not being able to get loans, missing out on federal help, grants for farming, and even job postings on certain websites.
How Much Is The Settlement
The plaintiffs are calling out the whole cannabis ban in the Controlled Substances Act “unjustified” and “unconstitutional.”
They’re saying it doesn’t match up with the legal weed sales happening in their states. However, They’re not fans of this “intrusion of federal power” and believe it’s causing harm to them and their communities.
How To File A Claim
There is no claim form available right now.
In conclusion, Canna Provisions Inc., et al. v. Merrick Garland, in his official capacity of U.S. Attorney General, Case No. 3:23-cv-30113, Just like Ross Employees Class Action Lawsuit, Four legal marijuana businesses in Massachusetts have banded together and gone straight to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland with a lawsuit.
Well, they want to put an end to the enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act, especially when it comes to marijuana trading within the state.