Updateouraddress.com Scam; Beware Of This Website!

Are you trying to change your address online with the USPS? This review exposes reason why updateouraddress.com is not the best option for you. With online scams springing up every day, we have taken the responsibility of reviewing products, stores, websites e.t.c in order to save you from making wrong decisions. Our Review of this…

35.black meaning- Why You Shouldn’t Be Scared

Have you tried commenting ’35.black’ on Facebook and Instagram but it couldn’t work? For some reasons Mark Zuckerberg forbided this phrase on Facebook and Instagram. That is why if you try to leave a comment with this exact phrase, Facebook or Instagram won’t publish it cause it says that it’s against Facebook Community Standards. Many…

Cashapptreat.com Scam; Avoid Cashappclaim & Cashapp Treat!

If you visit Cashappclaim or Cashapp Treat.com located at www.cashapptreat.com you would be directed to a YouTube channel called “Cash App Guy” Where you would be tricked into subscribing for the channel. However, when you do so you’d realize that there is no video at the “Cash App Guy” channel. If you visit cashapptreat.com and…