Dicksave.com Reviews: Scam Store Ripping Off Buyers- Beware!

Dicksave.com is a fake website and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and stock offers, receives payments for fashion items like dresses, tops, handbags etc. but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is there is no business address…

We Investigated Bloomdsa.com Scam Store- See What We Discovered Here!

Bloomdsa.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for clothes like hoodies, t-shirts etc. but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is there is no business address…

Don’t Be A Victim Of Ruiantrshop Scam Store- See Details Here!

Ruiantrshop.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for hats but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is running ads on Facebook claiming to be selling various…

Is Octurp.com An Authentic Store? See Suspicious Red Flags!

Octurp.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for items clothes like two pieces sets, jackets, sweaters etc. but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is running…

Okdvip.Shop Reviews: Scam Macy’s Website- Steer Clear!

Okdvip.Shop is a fake Macy’s store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for household items but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is there is no business address provided on this…

We Investigated Proiners.com Scam Store- Here’s All You Need To Know!

Proiners.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for clothes but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is running ads on Facebook selling different clothes like jeans,…

Waltase.com Reviews: Fake Amazon Website- Steer Clear!

Payneliet.com is a fake Amazon store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for variety of items but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is running ads on Facebook selling Amazon mystery…

Mrflocking.com Reviews: Scam Store Impersonating Flocking Website- Don’t Be Their Victim!

Mrflocking.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, it is impersonating another website claiming to be selling electrical goods but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is Mrflocking.com already…