Smart Vision Trademark Scam Exposed: Don’t Fall Victim!

Don’t respond to the Smart Vision Trademark email that urges you to register your brand name. The email which claims an applicant intends to register your brand is a ploy to get you to pay for fake trademark registration fees. is a scam trademark registration website, and not a legit law firm. It is…

Rikim Inc charge on credit card: What To Do About This Scam Transaction

Have you got a RIKIM INC charge on your credit card or debit card statement? You’re not alone! Lots of people have complained of being charged by Rikim Inc Denver. Here’s how the charge came about and proactive steps about this scam. Why You’ve a Charge from Rikim Inc Rikim Inc is the payment alias…

Trademark Echo Scam Targeting Business Owners – Beware!

Don’t fall for the Trademark Echo email that says someone intends to register your brand name. It’s a scam. is not a legit trademark registration company or a law firm. The website is operated by scammers who use threatening emails to get people to pay for fake trademark registration and legal fees. In this…

Don’t Fall for Scam – See Red Flags

Want to buy Polideal Meditation chair from Don’t! The website is not really legit. There’s a lot of shady dealings happening behind the scene. As a Cybersecurity analyst actively fighting cybercrimes, I’ve taken my time to investigate, and my findings revealed it’s a scam. Below are my findings, with images, reports and links…

MegaView 1000 FreeChannel TV Box Scam: False Claims & Ads!

You must’ve seen various ads that claim MegaView 1000 FreeChannel TV Box has free access to thousand of channels. Sorry to burst your bubbles, it’s all a scam. Total false advertising and product misrepresentation. In reality, MegaView 1000 FreeChannel TV Box works only as a Chrome Casting device for your TV, nothing more. The Ads,…

Exposing The BCESSV TV Streaming Device Scam: Don’t Fall For It!

Various Ads and retail websites claim BCESSV TV Streaming Device can grant you ‘free’ access to all channels. However, it’s all a scam, total false advertising and product misrepresentation. In reality, BCESSV TV Streaming Device works only as a Chrome Casting device for your TV, nothing more. The Ads, discount sale, and claims are all…

Milestone Consulting Solutions Scam Job: Don’t Fall Victim

Employment scams are on the rise again. If you received an unsolicited job email from someone claiming to be a Milestone Consulting Solutions HR, you’re being targeted by scammers. We’ll be writing a short review on how this Milestone Consulting Solutions LLC fake job offer work, notable red flags, and what to do in similar…