Cotopaxi Outlet Review: Legit Clearance sale on Cotopaxi gears or Scam?

A new kind of scam has been making waves lately. Fake websites posing as Cotopaxi online store. These websites claim to offer 80% off Cotopaxi gears plus free shipping. The following websites ‘‘ ‘’ ‘’ & ‘’ happen to be among the shady websites. Continue reading to find out why it is risky to shop…

Minnesota Approves Prep Football and Volley Ball For Fall Seasons

There has been a backlack online ever since the news that the Minnesota State High School League has reversed its Aug. 4 decision to postpone both sports to spring because of COVID-19 concerns.  The event that led to the reversal took place in a virtual board meeting with more than 400 people listening in.  The…

Latest On Bethseda- Microsoft Is Now In Charge!

According to the news released on, Microsoft has agreed to acquire ZeniMax Media, which happens to be the parent company of Doom and Fallout studio Bethesda Softworks, for $7.5 billion in cash.  The acquisition follows earlier Bethesda games coming to Xbox Game Pass on console and PC, and it gives Microsoft control of upcoming games like the space epic Starfield.  From…