Colon Broom Weight Loss Reviews {2023} Does It Really Work Or A sham?

Do you battle unwanted weight gain? Have you heard of Colon Broom Weight Loss? Wondering if it really works? Read this honest review to find out what it’s all about and how it works.

What Is Colon Broom Weight Loss All About?

Colon Broom Weight Loss is a dietary supplement that can help you lose fat that is difficult to lose through exercise and diet. It is is a high-fiber dietary supplement that helps you feel more satiated and supports your appetite and weight control.

The main ingredient, Psyllium husk, helps relieve constipation and reduce bloating effectively. Take the quiz to see how it can help you.

ColonBroom program is your personal guide to a healthier gut, mind, and body. Thanks to modern breakthroughs in gastrointestinal science, it helps to cleanse your body and boost its immune and metabolic responses

Sounds interesting. But could this claims be true?

Does Colon Broom Weight Loss Really Work for weight loss?

Not really, there are both positive and negative reviews on Amazon About the product. Some customers narrated how the product really worked for them while taking it consistently. Some also complained that the product leaves them bloated that ever. See reviews below-

I’ve been taking it consistently the last few days, twice a day, and since I had a solid fiber diet already, I began with two scoops. I added lemon juice as per someone’s review and I can tell that it’s working. I think we all want a miracle cure without working out or fixing our diet/supplements, specially with no consistency which is what I’m seeing in the reviews.


Really wanted to give this a good review but it leaves me bloated more than ever. I have been taking this for over two weeks in hopes it would help with the bloating I typically have. Great taste but not worth the money. I feel like I have gained weight cause I’m so bloated.

T. Parker


I bought Colon Broom Weight Loss supplement to see if it will enable me born my belly fat. Even after using it for two weeks, there is absolutely no change. Instead, my stomach still looks like a four months pregnant woman.

Claimed Features/Benefits Of Colon Broom Weight Loss

  • Works to improve your body’s detoxification processes
  •  ColonBroom helps to feel more satiated, control food intake, and manage weight.
  • It improves overall health, increase your energy levels and may reduce symptoms of bloating.
  • It  absorbs water and becomes a viscous compound that benefits constipation, diarrhea, blood pressure, and weight loss.

Some Inconsistences Of Colon Broom Weight Loss

  • There’s a possibility of allergic reactions.
  • There are no reviews online about it.
  • It has not been evaluated and approved by the FDA.
  • There is a lack of long-term studies on the pill’s safety and effectiveness.
  • Some people may experience side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and headaches.

Better Alternatives To Colon Broom Weight Loss

Cardio Exercises

Adding cardio to your routine is one of the most effective ways to quickly increase weight loss. For best results, try to fit in at least 20–40 minutes of cardio daily — or about 150–300 minutes per week. Walking, jogging, boxing, biking, and swimming are just a few forms of cardio that can boost weight loss fast.

Cut Down on Refined Carbs

 Replace refined carbs like white bread, breakfast cereals, and heavily processed packaged foods with whole grain products like quinoa, oats, brown rice, and barley.

Monitor Your Calorie Intake

Counting calories can keep you accountable and increase your awareness of how your diet may impact your weight loss. In order to lose weight, you need to use more calories than you consume, either by decreasing your calorie intake or by increasing your daily physical activity.

Eat More of Fiber & Protein

Fiber is a nutrient that moves through your body undigested, helping to stabilize blood sugar, slow stomach emptying, and keep you feeling full longer. Meanwhile, increasing your intake of protein can help you lose weight by reducing your appetite and cutting your calorie consumption.


Apilean claims to help you lose fat that is difficult to lose through exercise and diet. However, there are no customers reviews online about the product. This shows that the effectiveness of Prima is questionable. Just like Zlem, exipure, and similar weight loss pills, users might not notice any change.

Do Weight Loss Supplements Work?

According to Healthline, dietary supplements or pills help you lose weight, or at least make it easier to lose weight. However, you have to combine it with other methods like exercising, portion control, calorie deficit.

However, one has to be careful as many of them are fad, and don’t work at all. It is advised to go for pills that have proven results and reviews. That way, you can know what you are buying.

Have you used Apilean? What were your experiences? Did you lose any weight? Were you able to sleep better? Please share your experience in the comment section!

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