Dean Innovations Contaminated Compost Settlement: A Legit Class Action? See If You Qualify

Did you receive Dean Innovations Contaminated Compost Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

If you bought some White Lightning planting mix, Stinky Bull compost, or Fun Guy compost from Dean Innovations between March 1 and June 30, 2020, you’re in the club. You’re part of the settlement class, my friend.

Now, the plaintiff in this whole story is saying that Dean Innovations was up to some shady business. They claimed that Dean Innovations broke the rules, especially by kind of, well, not being totally honest about their compost products. It’s like they were painting a different picture, and that’s where things went wrong.

Who Is Eligible For The Dean Innovations Contaminated Compost Settlement

If you got that notice in the mail, you’re in for a treat. You don’t have to jump through any hoops; they’ll just slide you a cash reward, which could be around 150 to 200 bucks. Nice and easy, right?

Now, if you think you’re part of the gang but didn’t get a notice, no worries. You can still get in on the action, but you’ll need to submit a claim to make it official.

But here’s the twist: If your yard, garden, or landscaped area got more than a little bruised by all this, and the damage is worth more than that cash reward, you can ask for some extra dough from the settlement. The amount might vary depending on how many folks make a claim for the extra help, so it’s like a team effort.

How Much Is The Settlement

If you got that notice in the mail, you’re in for a treat. You don’t have to jump through any hoops; they’ll just slide you a cash reward, which could be around 150 to 200 bucks. Nice and easy, right?

Now, if you think you’re part of the gang but didn’t get a notice, no worries. You can still get in on the action, but you’ll need to submit a claim to make it official.

But here’s the twist: If your yard, garden, or landscaped area got more than a little bruised by all this, and the damage is worth more than that cash reward, you can ask for some extra dough from the settlement. The amount might vary depending on how many folks make a claim for the extra help, so it’s like a team effort.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a claim form before the deadline on Nov. 13, 2023.

Click here to fill out a form.


Camille Estes v. Dean Innovations Inc., et al., Case No. 20CV22946, is not a scam. Just like Louisville and Jefferson County lawsuit settlement. And you know what happened next? It wasn’t a fun time for her or the rest of the settlement class. All those plants started to grow all wonky, and it was like a distorted garden party. So, folks had to roll up their sleeves and get to work cleaning up and fixing their yards, gardens, and landscaped areas. They were on a mission to stop that herbicide from spreading any further.

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