Dupes Wipes False Advertising Settlement: A Scam? Read This Before Filing A Claim

Did you receive the Dupes Wipes False Advertising Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

If you bought Dude Wipes between Feb. 5, 2015, and Aug. 8, 2023, you might get benefits from a settlement. People said Dude Wipes claimed they were “flushable,” but they could mess up plumbing systems.

Who Is Eligible For The Dupes Wipes False Advertising Settlement

If you bought Dude Wipes that said they were “flushable” between Feb. 5, 2015, and Aug. 8, 2023, you could get some benefits. People said Dude Wipes claimed they could be flushed, but it turns out they might harm plumbing systems.

How Much Is The Settlement

Dude Products settled a lawsuit about their “flushable” Dude Wipes, but they didn’t say they did anything wrong. They’re paying $9 million. If you bought these wipes, you can get money back. If you don’t have a receipt, you can get up to $2.50. If you do have a receipt, you can get up to $20.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a form before the deadline on Nov. 11, 2023.

Click here to fill out a form

If you have receipts or documents proving you bought Dude Wipes during a certain time, that’s good. It might mean more money back. But if you don’t, you can still get something. Just remember, you can’t claim refunds for products you bought both with and without proof. Keep it simple!


In conclusion, Darnall, et al. v. Dude Products Inc., Case No. 2023LA000761, just like Journey’s unsolicited text message settlement Dude Products settled a lawsuit about their “flushable” Dude Wipes, but they didn’t say they did anything wrong. They’re paying $9 million. If you bought these wipes, you could get money back and you don’t have a receipt, you can get up to $2.50. Also, if you do have a receipt, you can get up to $20.

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