DynaTrap Dt2000xl Reviews 2022: Does It Really Work Or A Sham?
Is your home and yard plagued by mosquitoes, biting flies, wasps, moths, Asian beetles, or stink bugs? Are you considering buying dynatrap dt2000xl? Are you wondering if it really works? You are on the right place. Go through this Honest Review to find out if it is genuine or a sham.

DynaTrap dt2000xl: What Is It?
The DynaTrap ½ Acre Mosquito and Insect Trap provides a simple and effective option for protecting your property. The lightweight, portable, and powerful all-weather trap is designed to provide protection up to ½ acre.
DynaTrap technology utilizes 3-way protection to defend your property against insect pests. First, the UV bulb generates warm light, which is highly attractive to many pest insects. Then a second lure, an exclusive Ti02 titanium dioxide-coated surface, produces a CO2 trail that mimics human breath. Once attracted to the unit, the powerful, whisper-quiet fan draws the insects and mosquitoes into the retaining cage where they dehydrate and die.
Does Dynatrap dt2000xl Really Attracts And Traps Mosquitoes?
The answer this question is not ascertained yet as there are both positive and negative reviews online about this product. It was rated 3.8 on Amazon.
See what customers have to say-
Works better than I expected. I saw all of the mixed reviews and almost didn’t buy it, but the wife told me it was worth trying. We live on only a third of an acre, but we back to a pond and large wetlands area.
Just before we plugged this trap in there were easily a hundred mosquitoes sitting on our back windows at any given time, day or night. Following the instructions we hung the trap on a four foot post about 30 feet from our covered patio, near the windows in our bedroom where it is cool and shady as well as upwind of the pond, added a small packet of attractant, plugged in the trap and let it run for a couple of weeks. After a week there was a noticeably smaller population of mosquitoes, and after two weeks of running constantly we’re down to only a couple of mosquitoes visible on the windows. There has not been much of a change in weather over the two weeks, so I can only assume that this trap is the cause of the vanishing mosquitoes. There are many other flying bugs in the trap, which I guess is a necessary evil, but worth it to me.
Red Ryder
All right, I have had this dynatrap dt2000xl for 3 months now. We live on 10 acres with a pond in Central Florida and have had an unusually wet season this summer. I always wait to do my reviews until after I have actually used the product. The problem with this product is it has caught all the beneficial insects and a very very few mosquitoes. We are still getting eaten alive every time we go outside even within 15 ft of this insect trap which has been turned on since June 15th. We have a pile of moths and beneficials to discard but everytime I go to open it the few mosquitoes at has caught escape. I don’t understand how some people can give it 5 stars as I have not seen even a dent in my mosquito population! We continue doing our outdoor upkeep sprayed down with repellant (something we were hoping to avoid) wearing long pants, long sleeve shirts and hats with mosquito netting. And now we’re $189 poorer. I’m only giving it one star be ause tne it has an attractive purple “nightlight”. Was really hoping this would work!
- Its initial cost is cheaper than propane traps.
- It doesn’t require the hassle and expense of replacing propane tanks.
- It catches other bugs besides mosquitoes, though that’s not always good if they’re beneficial ones.
- You can use it indoors or outdoors.
- The only sound is the quiet humming of the fan and there’s no odor.
- It’s safe for pets, children and the environment, since it uses no insecticides
- The big one: it doesn’t necessarily kill mosquitoes specifically, so you may get more moths or other things instead.
- You’ll need to mount it about 5 to 6 feet off the ground. One model, the DT1200, comes with its own hanger, but otherwise, it needs a tree branch, post, wall, fence, etc. to hang or sit on.
Dynatrap claims to attract and traps mosquitoes and other insects. However, some customers complained that it does not kill mosquito specifically. As a result of this, potential buyers shouldn’t have high expectations.
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