I Bought Ecoquest Heater: Is It a Scam? Here’s my Reviews

Are you thinking of ways to keep your room warm? Do you want to buy Ecoquest portable heater from getecoquest.com? Then you should read this review before doing so. A lot of things don’t add up about the product, the company, and the reviews online.

In this review, I share my experience buying and using Ecoquest heater, its pros, cons, and everything you should expect when you buy this product.

Vista Heat

What is Ecoquest?

Ecoquest is a portable space heater that that emits heat within seconds, increasing the temperature of the room according to your comfort. Made with ceramic heating plates, it allegedly does not consume a lot of energy, thereby reducing your electricity bills.

One of the reasons why this space heater is the rave of the internet is because it is been sold for 50% discount. But when you dig beneath all the so called positive reviews online, you’d see that there are no genuine customer reviews.

How To Use

  • Plug into a wall socket
  • Switch it on

My Experience Buying And Using The Ecoquest Heater

Last year, I was so disorganized with Christmas presents that I ended up making a spur-of-the-moment purchase for my family. They arrived late, despite the intention of being Christmas gifts. When I tried to get a refund, it was a whole mess, and they only gave me 50% back.

But here’s the real kicker – this gadget, it’s supposed to be a heater, couldn’t even warm up the inside of a tiny Smart car with everything sealed shut. To actually feel the heat, you had to practically hug the thing. And, it didn’t do a thing to change the room’s temperature. I monitored it for two whole days, cranked up to 99 degrees, and nada. My bedroom is well within the recommended size, and it’s mounted at about 10 inches from the floor (optimal is 8 inches, they say).

Honestly, this whole thing is a total sham. The power output is a measly 50 watts, which is the same as an old-school light bulb! The heat it gives off is about as much as that bulb too. Maybe it’s good for a dog kennel if it’s inside, but nothing larger. I wouldn’t pay more than £5 for this, even though they list it for a way higher price.

Ecoquest Heater Pros: What I Fancy

  • Arrived (albeit late) after ordering.
  • Well, it’s a heater… technically.

Ecoquest Heater Cons: What I Don’t Fancy

  • Couldn’t heat up a small Smart car with everything sealed.
  • You practically have to cuddle it to feel any warmth.
  • Zero effect on the room’s temperature.
  • Monitored it for two days at 99 degrees – nothing.
  • Supposedly installed correctly, but still useless.
  • This thing is a scam; output power is a measly 50 Watts.
  • Works about as well as an old-school light bulb, no kidding.
  • Overpriced – should be worth £5 max, not the crazy high prices they list.

Is The Ecoquest Heater Legit? Customer Reports

Nope it’s a total scam, This company sells the same product under different names. We happened to buy one called EcoWarm heater which is and looks exactly the same as EcoQuest and costs the same. After a week of using it, it seized to work and while it worked the heat output was nominal. DOES NOT heat 1m x3m dressing room. It’s constantly on for days and still temp below 18 inside the little room. They’re selling a generic 900w plug in heater available from eBay for under £15, but they’re charging £50! Even B&Q sell this for £25. A user said

Please don’t buy as DOES NOT heat 1m x3m dressing room. It’s constantly on for days and still temp below 18 inside the little room. This product is total lies and rip off. I wish ive seen the reviews before committing to buy. 

I have bought 3 so i have 2 new extra but wondering what to use them for.Henry

Just like max and heat well heaters we have reviewed earlier they all work the same and was far from satisfactory. My experience and user complaints on Reddit have proven that this heater to be a total scam.

Things to Consider before buying Ecoquest Heater

Doesn’t Heat up Rooms efficiently

Though the reviews online and Ads claim the product warms 350 ft room, that isn’t the case. When we put the product to test we discovered it can only warm maybe 5sq ft. The claim that Ecoquest heats up small and large rooms to 75 degrees in just 2 minutes is entirely false.

We have reviewed similar product before, Orbis HeaterTop HeatAmperHeatArtic Chill, etc. Either called portable heater or personal heater, they all work the same way. And from these reviews, you’d see that the product was far from satisfactory. It didn’t meet the expectations of customers.

Unauthorized Orders

Payment discrepancies is one of the issues most customers have faced when ordering Ecoquest Portable heater. Instead of just one, the company tried to sell them four. If you’re not observant you’d be made to pay for four instead of just one.


It is been sold for extremely high prices. It is sold for almost $60 whereas this exact space heater can be gotten for far cheaper prices online.

On Amazon you can get similar ‘portable heater’ for 20$-50$ and save yourself more money and time.

Ecoquest Reviews From Users

The positive reviews online are all fake. The reviews are not real, they’re sponsored content paid for by the manufacturers. People who’ve bought and used Ecoquest portable heater have left reviews online stating that the product doesn’t work as advertised. See their reviews below –

A scam product. Cannot even heat a trunk on a motorcycle let alone a room in your home! These things use even a kilowatt so a good 34p per hour – not so cheap to run and totally useless in most regards., The company runs a scam, leads you on, tries to refund a bit so you keep it. There are uses for these, but not for heating your home.

This is a scam, the output power is just 50Watts, that’s the same output as an old style incandescent light bulb & the heat output is the same, it might work in dog kennel if kept inside but nothing bigger. I would say it worth max £5 not the exaggerated prices listed.

See video below –

Is Ecoquest Heater a Scam?

Yes, it is. Forget whatever claims you see on getecoquest.com. It is just a generic ceramic electric space heater. There is no magical “Heat Recycling” going on. It can only warm up the small area surrounding it and not the entire room as claimed. It also takes time to heat up. Meanwhile, it runs on low watt power supplies, there just isn’t enough energy there to do what they claim. There is no such thing as a low power heater that produces full heating, except in a very small area close to it.


We are skeptical about Ecoquest as there are a lot of red flags that shouldn’t be ignored. Have you bought this portable space heater? What were your experiences? Please drop a comment!

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