I Bought Ethnogenics For my Alopecia: Here’s The Outcome After 2 Months Consistent Use
There are lots of hair growth products and supplements available on the market, however one major issue is finding the perfect one that suits your hair type and scalp. Comes in Ethnogenics, a hair growth brand that claims to provide natural hair care products. But are these hair products genuine and effective? Let’s dive deeper into Ethnogenics hair products reviews and find out if you should try them or not.

What Is Ethnogenics?
Ethnogenics is a hair care brand by Gail Mabane that produces natural hair care products. The brand claims to use only natural ingredients and essential oils in their products. This hair product is designed to combat various hair problems such as hair loss, dandruff, and hair breakage.
However , the question is ”Does it work”?
My Experience Using Ethnogenics Hair Product
I’ve been battling hair loss for a long time, so my friend introduced me to the Ethnogenics. Curious but doubtful, I decided to give it a try. I ordered the Shampoo, stimulating scalp lotion, the hair growth supplement (which is in capsules) and the restoring conditioner. At the time I made the purchase from the website ethnogenics.co.za, the moisturizer and conditioning wash wasn’t available then.
However, I decided to use just the four products on my severe frontline alopecia. If indeed the brand is truthful, I believed four of their hair products would do wonders to my scalp.

On the first week, I noticed my hair felt softer than before (I think due to the conditioner). I also noticed that when combing my hair I had lesser shedding, compared to before.
On the second week, I noticed there was a new spurt of undergrowth baby hair on places I had bare scalp. By second month, I had a full mop of hair. Due to the results I was getting, I had to go back to the website and order the Ethnogenics moisturizer and conditioning wash. Luckily for me, it was available then.

What I Like About Ethnogenics: The Pros
- There’s reduction in hair breakage when I comb or wash my hair
- My hair feels softer
- Shinier darker hark
- No recent hair loss
What I Do Not Like About Ethnogenics Hair Products; The Cons
- It’s not always available in physical stores
- During my first use, my scalp was a bit irritated (however with time, it got used to it)
Is Ethnogenics Worth Your Money?
I honestly think it’s worth giving a try. Like you, I was quite skeptical when I was introduced to the hair brand, however after my first use, I felt totally comfortable using it.
If you have been struggling with hair problems and want to try natural hair care products, you can give it a try. However, do not expect an over night miracle. Just like skin care, results from hair care is a gradual process.
Ethnogenics hair products is a genuine hair care brand. From my experience and that of other users, the hair products by Ethnogenics do work for hair loss of whatever kind. However, just like Calendula hair product, you should not expect results overnight.
1. Are Ethnogenics hair products suitable for all hair types?
This hair product is suitable for all hair types, but it is advisable to check the ingredients in case you’ve any allergy.
2. Where can I buy Ethnogenics hair products?
You can buy this hair product online or at selected retail stores.
3. Are Ethnogenics hair products vegan?
Yes, hair products are vegan and made with natural ingredients.
4. Can Ethnogenics hair products help in hair growth?
This hair growth products are designed to reduce hair fall and hair breakage, which can lead to healthy hair growth.
5. Is Ethnogenics a reputable brand?
Though it is a relatively new brand, it has a strong reputation online.