Financial Hardship Department Scam – 833-714-6238, 833-674-2425 – 833-616-0584 – 855-919-6396 – 855-967-5972

There is an ongoing Financial Hardship Department Scam – 833-714-6238, 833-674-2425 – 833-616-0584 – 855-919-6396 – 855-967-5972. Beware! The text contains a malicious link that aims to steal your personal and financial information.

Currently, more than hundred people have complained of receiving Financial Hardship Department Scam – 833-714-6238, 833-674-2425 – 833-616-0584 – 855-919-6396 – 855-967-5972. Scam Text this April 2023.

Phishing Scams

Financial Hardship Department Scam – 833-714-6238, 833-674-2425 – 833-616-0584 – 855-919-6396 – 855-967-5972 2023 – How does it work?

The text is sent by scammers who want to get your personal information so they can use it to scam you. The text tells recipients to call back the telephone numbers.

Don’t dare click on the link. It’s all Scam! The text messages most times contain viruses, spywares, malwares, which are harmful to devices and can hack and destroy your mobile phone.

Meanwhile, some individuals that have fallen victims for this scam left some reviews online narrating how they where scammed. See reviews below –

I am⁦‪⁦‪ re⁦‪ac⁦‪⁦‪h⁦‪i⁦‪ng ⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪u⁦‪⁦‪t⁦‪ ⁦‪fro⁦‪⁦‪m ⁦‪⁦‪the⁦‪ ⁦‪Fi⁦‪n⁦‪an⁦‪cial⁦‪ A*s⁦‪ista⁦‪⁦‪nce⁦‪ ⁦‪D⁦‪ep⁦‪artmen⁦‪t, w⁦‪h⁦‪⁦‪e⁦‪re⁦‪ ⁦‪I ha⁦‪⁦‪v⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪e b⁦‪e⁦‪en⁦‪ assi⁦‪gn⁦‪e⁦‪d t⁦‪o a⁦‪ss⁦‪is⁦‪t ⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪with your rec⁦‪⁦‪ent⁦‪ ap⁦‪p⁦‪⁦‪li⁦‪⁦‪c⁦‪a⁦‪⁦‪ti⁦‪o⁦‪n⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪for⁦‪ ⁦‪hard⁦‪s⁦‪hip⁦‪ ⁦‪a⁦‪s⁦‪sist⁦‪a⁦‪nc⁦‪e⁦‪. I⁦‪ h⁦‪ave ⁦‪r⁦‪ev⁦‪ie⁦‪⁦‪we⁦‪d ⁦‪you⁦‪r⁦‪ ⁦‪a⁦‪ppl⁦‪i⁦‪cation⁦‪ ⁦‪and a⁦‪⁦‪m⁦‪ plea⁦‪⁦‪s⁦‪ed ⁦‪t⁦‪o⁦‪ ⁦‪infor⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪m⁦‪ y⁦‪o⁦‪u ⁦‪t⁦‪hat you ⁦‪h⁦‪a⁦‪⁦‪ve⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪be⁦‪e⁦‪n ⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪⁦‪p⁦‪p⁦‪rov⁦‪ed ⁦‪fo⁦‪r ⁦‪up⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪to $37,0⁦‪00 ⁦‪⁦‪in⁦‪ f⁦‪inan⁦‪ci⁦‪a⁦‪l ⁦‪suppo⁦‪⁦‪rt. Our⁦‪ pr⁦‪o⁦‪gram ⁦‪i⁦‪s design⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ed⁦‪ t⁦‪o ⁦‪⁦‪p⁦‪r⁦‪ov⁦‪⁦‪i⁦‪d⁦‪e⁦‪ u⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪n⁦‪⁦‪ique o⁦‪⁦‪pp⁦‪ort⁦‪unities to ⁦‪t⁦‪h⁦‪ose⁦‪ ⁦‪f⁦‪a⁦‪c⁦‪i⁦‪n⁦‪g⁦‪ fin⁦‪⁦‪anc⁦‪i⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪l⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ diff⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ic⁦‪u⁦‪⁦‪l⁦‪ties,⁦‪⁦‪ an⁦‪d ⁦‪I ⁦‪wo⁦‪uld⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪be⁦‪ h⁦‪⁦‪on⁦‪o⁦‪red to ⁦‪a⁦‪⁦‪ssi⁦‪⁦‪s⁦‪t you⁦‪ i⁦‪n ⁦‪enro⁦‪l⁦‪⁦‪li⁦‪ng.⁦‪ To⁦‪ t⁦‪⁦‪hat e⁦‪nd,⁦‪ I w⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ou⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ld⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪l⁦‪ike ⁦‪to⁦‪ sc⁦‪⁦‪h⁦‪edu⁦‪l⁦‪e ⁦‪a ca⁦‪l⁦‪l t⁦‪o discus⁦‪⁦‪s⁦‪⁦‪ t⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪h⁦‪e ⁦‪det⁦‪ail⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪s ⁦‪of th⁦‪e ⁦‪pr⁦‪⁦‪ogra⁦‪m a⁦‪nd answer⁦‪ ⁦‪an⁦‪y q⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪u⁦‪e⁦‪s⁦‪t⁦‪i⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪on⁦‪s ⁦‪yo⁦‪⁦‪u ma⁦‪y⁦‪ h⁦‪av⁦‪⁦‪e. ⁦‪⁦‪I⁦‪f⁦‪⁦‪ you⁦‪ ⁦‪a⁦‪r⁦‪⁦‪e ⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪va⁦‪il⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪ble⁦‪,⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪p⁦‪lease⁦‪⁦‪ c⁦‪a⁦‪l⁦‪⁦‪l⁦‪ ⁦‪me⁦‪ bac⁦‪⁦‪k a⁦‪t⁦‪: 833-8‎77‎-‎1958‎, to ⁦‪sche⁦‪du⁦‪le ⁦‪a⁦‪⁦‪ c⁦‪on⁦‪⁦‪venie⁦‪n⁦‪t ⁦‪tim⁦‪e for⁦‪ ou⁦‪⁦‪r⁦‪ call.⁦‪ ⁦‪I ⁦‪wi⁦‪ll ⁦‪b⁦‪⁦‪e⁦‪ ⁦‪av⁦‪a⁦‪ila⁦‪b⁦‪le ⁦‪d⁦‪u⁦‪⁦‪r⁦‪in⁦‪g⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪n⁦‪or⁦‪ma⁦‪⁦‪l⁦‪ ⁦‪b⁦‪us⁦‪⁦‪i⁦‪nes⁦‪s⁦‪ ho⁦‪ur⁦‪s⁦‪, 9⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪AM⁦‪ to ⁦‪6⁦‪⁦‪:00⁦‪ P⁦‪M ⁦‪P⁦‪a⁦‪cifi⁦‪c ⁦‪T⁦‪i⁦‪m⁦‪⁦‪e,⁦‪ a⁦‪⁦‪n⁦‪d⁦‪ w⁦‪⁦‪i⁦‪ll ⁦‪m⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪⁦‪ke ⁦‪ev⁦‪⁦‪ery⁦‪ eff⁦‪⁦‪ort⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪to ⁦‪ac⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪c⁦‪om⁦‪mo⁦‪⁦‪d⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪te ⁦‪y⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪u⁦‪⁦‪r s⁦‪chedule⁦‪. I ⁦‪l⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪oo⁦‪k⁦‪ fo⁦‪⁦‪rwa⁦‪r⁦‪d ⁦‪⁦‪t⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪ t⁦‪⁦‪h⁦‪e op⁦‪⁦‪po⁦‪rt⁦‪un⁦‪ity to s⁦‪pe⁦‪ak⁦‪ w⁦‪ith⁦‪⁦‪ you so⁦‪o⁦‪n a⁦‪n⁦‪d⁦‪ ⁦‪h⁦‪e⁦‪l⁦‪p⁦‪ yo⁦‪u⁦‪ ⁦‪t⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪k⁦‪e⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪ad⁦‪v⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪nta⁦‪ge ⁦‪o⁦‪f⁦‪ ⁦‪⁦‪th⁦‪⁦‪is ⁦‪⁦‪e⁦‪xc⁦‪iti⁦‪⁦‪ng o⁦‪⁦‪p⁦‪por⁦‪⁦‪tu⁦‪nit⁦‪y⁦‪.⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪Th⁦‪a⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪n⁦‪k⁦‪ ⁦‪y⁦‪⁦‪ou ⁦‪fo⁦‪r ⁦‪yo⁦‪⁦‪ur⁦‪⁦‪ ⁦‪t⁦‪⁦‪im⁦‪⁦‪e and⁦‪ ⁦‪c⁦‪⁦‪o⁦‪⁦‪n⁦‪⁦‪side⁦‪r⁦‪at⁦‪ion. Sinc⁦‪erely⁦‪,⁦‪⁦‪ Hu⁦‪l⁦‪da⁦‪ – F⁦‪inan⁦‪c⁦‪ial ⁦‪A⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪ss⁦‪i⁦‪st⁦‪anc⁦‪e⁦‪ D⁦‪ep⁦‪⁦‪⁦‪a⁦‪rtme⁦‪nt

April 5, 2023 at 11:23 AM by an anonymous user from: Trenton, New Jersey, United States

The link in the text message redirects you to other phishing websites that trick victims and also hack their personal information. This happens when you click on the link.

How To Identify It Is A Scam:

  • The text sounds different from other messages you’ve received
  • It contains wrong spellings
  • The text is asking for personal information or banking information
  • The message is unsolicited and contains an attachment.

Received Financial Hardship Department Scam – 833-714-6238, 833-674-2425 – 833-616-0584 – 855-919-6396 – 855-967-5972 2023? Do The Following!

You should delete the text message immediately as it is obviously a phishing scam. Meanwhile, do not forget to inform your family and friends. Please they should not click on the link if and when they receive such message.

Also, you can report scams, untrustworthy websites and tell us why you consider the websites fraudulent. See similar phishing scam; Local Depot 44 Scam Text, Wal Tracking Scam, Delware BPO Scam, Publix 90TH Anniversary, etc.

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