Five Guys Data Breach Settlement: See If You Are Eligible To File A Claim

Did you hear about the Five Guys Data Breach Settlement? It’s not a scam

Five Guys, a fast-food burger chain, said that it got hit with a data breach. The files containing private info got leaked in the process of the breach.  

Who Is Behind The Five Guys Data Breach Settlement

The data breach exposed stuff like names, social security number, address and other sensitive stuffs. The good news is that Five Guys found out about it and have taken steps to protect the leaked info.

How Much Is The Settlement

A judge in Virginia approved $700,000 settlement made by Five Guys to end claims the fast food chain waited more than three months to report the issue.

After the data breach, Five Guys didn’t sit back, they got the law enforcement involved. They are also giving free credit monitoring and identity protection to those affected for a year.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a valid claim form when it is out.


In conclusion Five Guys Data Breach Settlement is not a scam. Just like Social Media Sucide Settlement, A judge in Virginia approved $700,000 settlement made by Five Guys to end claims the fast food chain waited more than three months to report a 2022 data breach issue.

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