Florida Nursing Home BedSore Settlement: A Scam? Find Out
Did you receive the Florida Nursing Home BedSore Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.
In case you didn’t know, Alfred Davis, who’s the husband of Claretha Davis, won a case about something bad that happened to his wife in a Florida nursing home called Parklands. They said the nursing home was careless, and now Alfred got some money because of that.

Who Is Eligible For The Florida Nursing Home BedSore Settlement
Have you had a bad experience with a relative’s nursing home injury then you may be eligible.
How Much Is The Settlement
So, this man named Alfred Davis, who was married to Claretha Davis, got given $2.3 million because something really bad happened to his wife at a Florida nursing home. She got really sick and passed away in 2021 because of a sore on her body that got worse. The first sore got better, but another one came back later. The nursing home didn’t take good care of her, so Alfred got the money.
How To File A Claim
If you think someone you care about was treated badly in a place like a nursing home or assisted living since 2020. Then you could maybe be part of a lawsuit investigation about it. join a nursing home abuse lawsuit investigation.
In conclusion , Redding v. Parklands Facility, Case No. 2022-CA-00031 class action lawsuit settlement is not a scam. Just like USDA Discrimination Settlement. Alfred Davis, who’s the husband of Claretha Davis, won a case about something bad that happened to his wife in a Florida nursing home called Parklands. They said the nursing home was careless, and now Alfred got some money because of that.