Google Android Play Store Class Action Lawsuit: Is It Genuine Class Action

Did you receive the Google Android Play Store Class Action Lawsuit Email? It’s not a scam. You received it because you filed a claim.

There’s big news in the tech world! Google just settled for $700 million in response to accusations that it kinda played unfairly with the Google Play Store, violating antitrust rules and all.

Who Is Behind The Google Android Play Store Class Action Lawsuit

it’s a group of app developers who’ve been selling paid apps or in-app stuff, making up to $2 million in annual sales through the Google Play store every year from 2016 to 2021. The whole deal revolves around the claim that Google kinda kept other app stores away and nudged us toward using only its in-app payment system.

How Much Is The Settlement

Now $630 million is going to the consumers in the class, and the remaining $70 million is heading straight to the states in that same class.


 In re: Google Play Store Antitrust Litigation, Case No. 3:21-md-02981 is not a scam. Just like Merrill Lynch Retirement Settlement, The whole deal revolves around the claim that Google kinda kept other app stores away and nudged us toward using only its in-app payment system.

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