Guess Sexual Harassment Settlement: A Scam? See If You Are Eligible

Did you receive Guess Sexual Harassment Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

Guess’s co-founder, Paul Marciano, is in some serious hot water. He’s facing accusations of sexual harassment by Guess models. These allegations are pretty concerning, with some even claiming he treated the models like his own personal harem. As a result, Guess has agreed to pay a hefty $30 million to a settlement fund for these models. It’s definitely a significant legal battle for the company.

Sexual harassment text on cardboard

Who Is Eligible For The Sexual Harassment Settlement

Guess is shelling out some serious cash to settle sexual harassment claims made by the company’s models. However, They’ve agreed to pay a whopping $30 million, with $22 million coming directly from Guess and the rest being pursued from their insurer.

Also, even supermodel Kate Upton is part of the group of models alleging sexual harassment. However, They claim that their reports of misconduct fell on deaf ears within the company, accusing the board of consistently ignoring these allegations against Paul Marciano. It’s definitely a significant and troubling situation for Guess.

How Much Is Settlement

Guess is shelling out some serious cash to settle sexual harassment claims made by the company’s models. However, They’ve agreed to pay a whopping $30 million, with $22 million coming directly from Guess and the rest being pursued from their insurer.

How To File A Claim

There is no claim available right now. Guess reached a 2018 class action lawsuit settlement, which is now closed.


In conclusion Guess sexual harassment settlement is not a scam. Guess is shelling out some serious cash to settle sexual harassment claims made by the company’s models. However, They’ve agreed to pay a whopping $30 million, with $22 million coming directly from Guess and the rest being pursued from their insurer.

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