Headway Data Privacy Class Action Lawsuit: Is It A Scam? Read This 

Did you receive The Headway Data Privacy Class Action Lawsuit? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

The folks behind Headway seem to have some sneaky stuff going on. According to the class action lawsuit, they’ve hidden Google Analytics code right into their website.

Who Is Eligible For The Headway Data Privacy Class Action Lawsuit

They want to represent a whole bunch of Californians who hopped onto Headway’s website, thinking it was all private and safe. But here’s the kicker: if their health info or other private stuff got caught up in Google’s tracking web, M.G. is saying, “Hey, we need to do something about this!” It’s like they’re the voice for everyone who might’ve had their secrets spilled to Google without even knowing it.

How Much Is The Settlement

The person taking Headway to court wants a jury to decide this. They’re also asking for a declaration that something’s not right here. Plus, they want money, both what the law says they should get and what they lost because of this mess. But not just for them, for everyone in the same boat.

Well, here’s a real privacy headache: Headway, that therapist matchmaking website, is in hot water. They’ve been hit with a class action lawsuit, and it’s not looking good.

How To File A Claim

There’s no claim form available right now. But you need to fill one out when it’s available.

So, what’s the fuss all about? M.G., the person bringing the suit, is saying that Headway spilled the beans, big time. They’re accusing Headway of sharing super personal stuff, even sensitive medical info, from their website users with Google. And guess what? They did it without asking the users if it’s cool or not. That’s a big no-no when it comes to privacy.


In conclusion, M.G. v. Therapymatch Inc. d/b/a Headway, et al., Case No. 3:23-cv-04422, is not a scam. Just like Memorial Health Contract Settlement, The person taking Headway to court wants a jury to decide this. They’re also asking for a declaration that something’s not right here. Plus, they want money, both what the law says they should get and what they lost because of this mess. But not just for them, for everyone in the same boat.

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