Income Club App Reviews 2023: Is It A Scam?

Searching for reviews to know if the site is legit or scam? Do you want to get the Income Club Apk and start earning cash with just your phone? Read this review to find out why real users gave a poor rating.

About Income Club App

Income Club which is located at claims it can make you rich with a secret technology hidden inside your phone. According to the video on the website, the technology is the mother of all inventions. – This is how It works;

The system works this way – The AI generated code tells you when to make trade. It’s just a signal that gives people prediction on how to time the trades (typically in currency). Then you invest and win the percentage talked about on the website.

Sounds interesting right? considering that the site gives a money back guarantee and zero risk assurance.

Sadly, is far from being genuine or legit.

Reasons Why I Don’t Recommend Income Club App

First of all, they claim it is a 100% free method, but then when you want to get the code they ask you for your credit card info. After which you’re lured to invest via bitcoin transfer into a digital options trading platform. This is quite deceptive, especially the bitcoin transfer part. For your information, Bitcoin is the preferred currency of hackers and scammers all over the world. This is because of its decentralized and anonymous nature.

Secondly, It is not possible for their codes to be useful. This is because they publish 24 hours worth of codes at a time. Even if the codes are AI generated (which I don’t believe they are) there’s no way it is using the most current market information available.

Meanwhile, when I followed the instructions from the code verbatim, I had just 1 successful trade out of 5 (and everyone knows u can’t go to the bank on a 20% win rate!) Of course, it’s unlikely the codes were originated through the use of AI. On the other hand, the 7 days money back guarantee is total BS.  There is only one email address for help and when my countless mails to the address were totally ignored. This proves that I’ve been scammed.

What Users Have To Say About

It’s basically one big scam where they claim you can make money with their code signals. However, the codes are not really AI generated, and the predictions are often wrong. See what users have to say –

Please people do not purchase the income club it is a scam they are scamming people out of their hard earned money there is only one email address for help and you can write to that email 100 time and no one will never answer you because the income club is a scam you will never get a refund because no one will never reply to the email address given in the website, These are criminals and I need to be arrested


Total scam. There’s a reason they tell you to stop for the day after the second loss – they don’t want you to find out how bad their “algorithm” really is. I did much better tossing a coin. Waiting for my refund.


Is Income Club App A Scam?

Yes, it is. Do not pay heed to the claims made on the website. The codes give predictions that cannot win you good amount of money. Meanwhile, the zero risk and 7 days money back guarantee are totally false. When I requested for a refund my mail was completely ignored. I’ve had zero success getting my money back.


Just like cloutzap, Income Club App can not make you real money. The codes are not really generated by AI so the trade signals are often inaccurate. Do not be deceived by the reviews and videos online. Income Club App is not a legit money making system.

Have you used Income Club App? Please share your experiences below


  1. I actually was convinced The Income Club was legit. The story about how Simone Sanchez created the program. There are people online who swear by it. So I purchased the membership for $37. Plus was upsold some bogus VIP service for an additional 4 bucks! They claim a 70% success rate. And I’ve been using the system with Pocket Option, which is what it operates with. Sometimes though, these signals can be pretty accurate, almost like they were absolutely created for this specific trade! At the same time, they’ve been so wrong sometimes, that I really question how bad got scammed. If this is a scam, it’s a very, very clever one. At least I’m still having fun with it in demo mode!

    1. I demo trade and ran it up over $300,000. I think I’m around $265,000 right now. but it’s not real because I use their $10,000 over and over again while waiting on the first one to complete. Also don’t download their Pocket Options from Income Club website. that’s where the scam is when it’s time to withdraw. Go on Pocket Options itself and make your demo account because it works differently from the one from Income Club. so they are not the same and Pocket Options has nothing to do with Income Club Yes, the reason why they say quit trading for that day when you hit two bad trades in a row and double up on the next trade after the first loss is they are telling you their codes are no good for that day. But I have hit over 50 trades in a row before but I’m taking 10, 20, 40 trades at once. Not good with your money. I have traded all kinds of ways with these codes from $5 to $1000 per trade and found out my best results came from $9 to about $20 trades. I have traded 5 seconds to 15 minutes. Demo trade before you put your hard earned money up. I also bought all the codes but the Pro codes and found that the Black Codes worked best for me in 15 minute cycles. Happy trading!

  2. I bought the €40 membership plus about €9 for Income Club Multiplieri on the last days of January. Deposited $55 in Pocket Option and started using the app like a woman said in a video in the app. Lost money. I deposited again and again. Still losing money. Finally, I had a balance of $30 and deposited another $90. Started using the app again on the first days of March and started having profit using martingale. That’s because sometimes many codes in a row (4-6) were wrong! Then, when I was having about $620, the app screwed me, I lost $340 in a day. That was after two weeks of trading. After that I purchased IC Max for more accurate codes, for about $20. Bull….t! I got to loose $240 after SEVEN wrong codes! After all, the codes are give to you 24 hours before, it’s not that your phone generates them! So, although I got some profit, that was for a while. If someone wants to use Pocket Option, can do it by his own will. Don’t use Income Club, unless you have to much money as a capital. (Because of too many wrong codes in a raw). The bottom line is, if you have thousands and not hundreds of dollars yes, use IC, if not don’t.

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