Iowa Board Of Regents Settlement: A Scam? Read This

Did you receive the Iowa Board Of Regents Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

In case you didn’t know, The people in charge of a university hospital in Iowa didn’t pay some of their workers correctly. Now, they’re making things right by agreeing to a settlement about it.


Who Is Eligible For The Iowa Board Of Regents Settlement

There are two groups of workers at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics who are getting benefits from this settlement. One group includes people who worked there since January 8, 2017, and were classified in certain ways for overtime pay. The other group includes folks who worked there since August 19, 2017, or October 7, 2017, and didn’t get paid on time. Both groups will be helped by this settlement.

How Much Is The Settlement

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics didn’t pay some of their workers correctly, and a lawsuit happened because of it. Now, they’re making things better by agreeing to a settlement. This helps workers who weren’t paid overtime or earned wages on time. The government agency that runs the hospital is involved, and workers can get compensation, but they need to submit a form to get it.

If anyone doesn’t want to be part of the settlement or wants to complain about it, they have until August 28, 2023, to do so.

How To File A Claim

If you want to get a settlement payment. Make sure to fill out a valid claim form by Aug. 28, 2023.That’s the deadline, so don’t miss it!

If you are eligible for the claim click here


In conclusion Melinda Myers, et al. v. Iowa Board of Regents, Case No. 3:19-cv-00081-SMR-SBJ, class action lawsuit is not a scam. Just like Memorial Health Contract Settlement, The people in charge of a university hospital in Iowa didn’t pay some of their workers correctly. Now, they’re making things right by agreeing to a settlement about it.

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