Marigo Logistics Scam: Beware Of This Fake Logistics Company

Are you aware of the scams lurking in online car advertisements? It is called the Marigo Logistics Scam. This review exposes how it works.

What Is The Marigo Logistics Scam

You’ve got to watch out for those slick car ads on social media, especially Facebook. There’s this sneaky scheme going on, and it’s called the Marigo Logistics Ltd scam. At first, they seemed like a legit logistics company. They even had a website that looked pretty fancy, with all those impressive graphics and promises of top-notch service.

How It Works

Here’s how they reel you in: They dangle these irresistible deals for fancy cars, making you think you’re getting the bargain of a lifetime, plus lightning-fast delivery.

But here’s the twist – it’s all a big illusion. These scammers are like digital illusionists. They swipe real car pics and info from honest listings, and then they whip up fake profiles to make it all seem super legit.

So, if you’re scrolling through your social feed and spot one of these too-good-to-be-true car ads, don’t fall for the bait. It’s like a high-stakes game of hide-and-seek, but with your hard-earned cash.

Red Flags That Scream Stay Away

1. Details Matter: Pay attention to the little things. If you spot misspelled words, fuzzy or swiped images, or prices that sound too good to be true, that’s a big red flag.

2. Generic Ads: Scammers often use cookie-cutter language. If the ad feels generic and lacks specifics about the car’s condition or history, it’s time to be cautious.

3. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to dig deeper. Ask the seller questions, request more photos, and demand proper documentation. A legit seller should be ready to provide these.

So, here’s the lesson: Be super cautious when dealing with companies online, especially if they promise the moon and stars. And if it sounds too good to be true, well, you know the rest. Scammers like these are out there, but with a little vigilance, you can steer clear of their tricks.

Tips To Avoid Being Scammed

To dodge the marigo scam or any other type of scam

  • Be careful with unexpected emails and video graphics about refunds. If they look weird, have mistakes, or come from strange addresses, watch out.
  • Don’t click any links or download stuff from these emails. They could be bad news.
  • Check if it’s real by contacting the real folks through their official website or customer service.
  • Keep your computer safe with antivirus updates

What To Do If You Have Been Scammed

  1. Contact your bank or credit card issuer immediately.
  2. Inform your bank or credit card issuer about the unauthorized transaction and request a chargeback.
  3. Change your online passwords: If you have shared your password with the scammer, change your password immediately.
  4. Also be sure to use a strong and unique password for each account.
  5. Report the scam: You can report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or your local law enforcement agency.
  6. Check your credit rreport: Monitor your credit report for any suspicious activity.
  7. Stay vigilant: Be alert for any other phishing scams or suspicious emails, and do not share any sensitive information

Similar Scam: Temu Tiktok Scam


To sum it up, watch out for scams like Marigo Logistics. They create fake ads, aiming to take your money. Stay cautious, research, and question ads to stay safe online.

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