McGee Electric Wage Violations Settlement: Is It Legit? Find Out

Did you receive the McGee Electric Wage Violations Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

McGee Electric is paying out $950,000 to put the lid on some claims. What’s the fuss about, you ask? Well, it’s all about them not following the California labor laws, which means they didn’t pay their workers the right minimum wage and overtime.

Who Is Eligible for The McGee Electric Wage Violations Settlement

Here’s who’s in the spotlight for this settlement: non-exempt employees, the hourly and piece-rate workers who put in their hours at McGee Electric from May 21, 2017, to July 22, 2023.

Now, the folks leading the charge in this wage and hour class action lawsuit had a few gripes with McGee Electric. They said the company was a bit tight when it came to paying overtime and minimum wages. Plus, they claimed that proper meal and rest breaks were in short supply, among other wage-related issues. It’s like they were waving the red flag on California labor laws.

How Much Is The Settlement

McGee Electric are denying the claims, but they’re still paying over $950,000 to settle that wage and hour class action lawsuit.

Here’s how the cookie crumbles: The folks who are part of the class will get a piece of the settlement pie based on how many workweeks they put in during that class period. If you were there every week, you’ll snag a bigger piece compared to those who only worked a few weeks. As for the actual payout numbers, well, they’re still under wraps for now.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a valid claim form before the deadline.

Click here to go to the settlement website.


Esteban Martinez v. ‘T’ McGee Electric Inc., et al., Case No. CIVSB2114427, is not a scam. Just like Paysafe data breach settlement. McGee Electric is paying out $950,000 to put the lid on some claims. What’s the fuss about, you ask? Well, it’s all about them not following the California labor laws, which means they didn’t pay their workers the right minimum wage and overtime.

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