Montana Youth Climate Lawsuit: A Scam? Find Out

Did you receive the Montana Youth Climate Lawsuit email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

In case you didn’t know, 16 young folks in Montana said the state is breaking their right to a clean and healthy environment. A judge agreed, saying Montana can’t ignore greenhouse gas emissions when giving out permits.

Who Is Eligible Montana Youth Climate Lawsuit

If you believe Montana violates the state constitutional rights of its citizens through its current fossil fuel practices, then you can join this class action.

How Much Is The Settlement?

No amount have been agreed yet. So, these young people in Montana don’t like a new rule. It says they don’t have to think about stuff outside the state when checking the environment. The Montana people are saying it won’t really affect the climate, even if it’s about greenhouse gases.

How To File A Claim

There is no claim form available yet. So, the Montana folks are saying that a rule won’t really affect the state’s climate, even if it’s about greenhouse gases. And guess what? Kids in different places, like Oregon, New Mexico, and Hawaii, are also filing lawsuits about the environment. Even some teenagers in Canada did the same, but their case got thrown out in 2020.


In conclusion, Held v. Montana, class action lawsuit is not a scam. Just like Journey’s unsolicited text message lawsuit, 16 young folks in Montana said the state is breaking their right to a clean and healthy environment. A judge agreed, saying Montana can’t ignore greenhouse gas emissions when giving out permits.

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