MOVEit Data Breach Lawsuit: A Scam? Read This First
In case you didn’t know, Health people and Medicare people said a computer break-in might have hurt info for 612,000 Medicare users.

Who Is Eligible MOVEit Data Breach Lawsuit
Those who received a data breach letter in connection with the MOVEit cyberattack may qualify to participate in a free class action lawsuit investigation.
The people in charge of health stuff (Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) said that some bad guys got into their computer system. This could have exposed personal info of around 612,000 folks who use Medicare. The info they took could be about health or personal things.
How Much Is Settlement
Around 612,000 folks who use Medicare might have had their personal info leaked in a computer problem. The people in charge of health stuff found out that something weird happened in late May. However, They saw a problem with a software called MOVEit, which is used by many people, including the government. Also, The company that made the software said a bad person got in and looked at files. They’re trying to fix it.
How To File A Claim
If you want to get a settlement payment. Make sure to fill out a valid claim form
In conclusion MOVEit Data Breach class action lawsuit is not a scam. Just like Hometrust mortgage settlement, however, The people in charge of health stuff (Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) said that some bad guys got into their computer system.