Is The New York City Tractor Parking Settlement A Scam? Find Out

Did you receive the New York City Tractor Parking Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

In case you’ve forgotten, New York City violated vehicle and traffic laws by inaccurately identifying tractors as non-tractors in parking summonses. This alleged behavior resulted in vehicle owners and lessors paying excessive fines for parking violations.

Who Is Eligible For New York City Tractor Parking Settlement

The settlement aims to provide compensation to registered owners or lessors of tractors who received parking summonses from New York City between January 1, 2014, and May 2, 2022, where the vehicle body type was mistakenly described as something other than a tractor. Owners and lessors who have their tractors enrolled in a reduced-fine program are not eligible for this settlement. lawsuit alleged that Larsen’s Automotive excessively billed for storage fees on vehicles impounded for less than a 24-hour period.

How Much Is The Settlement

New York City has agreed to a settlement amount of $2.45 million to resolve the dispute regarding tractor parking.

Under the terms of the settlement, members of the class action can receive refunds based on the administrative remedies they pursued. However, those who exhausted all available administrative remedies can receive a full refund of the amount they paid. Individuals who sought partial administrative remedies can receive up to 30% of the amount they paid. Also people who did not pursue administrative remedies can receive up to 20% of the amount they paid.

How To File A Claim

If you want to get a settlement payment. Make sure to fill out a valid claim form by Aug. 9, 2023.. That’s the deadline, so don’t miss it!

If you are eligible for the claim click here


In conclusion Sysco Metro NY LLC, et al. v. The City of New York, et al., Case No.101637/2015 class action lawsuit is not a scam. Just like Minebea small bearing settlement New York City violated vehicle and traffic laws by inaccurately identifying tractors as non-tractors in parking summonses. This alleged behavior resulted in vehicle owners and lessors paying excessive fines for parking violations.

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