OpenAI Nonfiction Theft Lawsuit: Is It A Scam? Find Out

Did you receive the OpenAI Nonfiction Theft Lawsuit email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

Julian Sancton is throwing some serious shade at OpenAI and Microsoft. Why, you ask? Well, according to Sancton, they’ve been allegedly swiping the hard work of nonfiction authors to train their AI wizardry, all without asking for permission or sliding some compensation the authors’ way. Now, that’s not sitting well with Sancton, and he’s waving the Copyright Act card.

Who Is Eligible OpenAI Nonfiction Theft Lawsuit 

So, Julian Sancton, the brain behind “Madhouse at the End of the Earth,” is throwing down the gauntlet with OpenAI and Microsoft. Why? Because he’s claiming they’ve been snatching up nonfiction authors’ sweat and tears without even asking.

How Much Is The Settlement

There is no settlement amount right now. Hold on to your hats because Julian Sancton is dropping some serious dedication bombs! Picture this: five years of his life and a boatload of cash poured into creating “Madhouse at the End of the Earth.” Dude traveled the globe, Antarctica, Belgium, Norway, all for the love of research.


Julian Sancton v. OpenAI Inc., et al., Case No. 1:23-cv-10211, is not a scam. Just like Ross Employees Class Action Lawsuit, Julian Sancton, the brain behind “Madhouse at the End of the Earth,” is throwing down the gauntlet with OpenAI and Microsoft. Why? Because he’s claiming they’ve been snatching up nonfiction authors’ sweat and tears without even asking.

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