Oracle Pay Bias Class Action Lawsuit: Scam Or Legit? Read This First
Did you hear about the Oracle Pay Bias Class Action Lawsui? It’s not a scam.
Oracle recently settled a discrimination lawsuit for $25 million. The lawsuit alleged that the company paid female employees less than their male counterparts. Both parties are seeking preliminary approval from Judge V. Raymond Swope in the Superior Court of California for the settlement. Oracle can back out of the settlement if more than 5% of the settlement class opts out. They have seven days to do so after being notified of any opt-outs.

Who Is Behind The Oracle Pay Bias Class Action Lawsuit
A judge ruled that a class action lawsuit against Oracle, representing over 3,000 female employees, can proceed. The lawsuit alleges pay bias against women in California. Oracle’s attempt to dismiss the case was rejected because they didn’t provide evidence to justify the pay disparity between men and women. The judge highlighted Oracle’s failure to produce employment records supporting their argument.
How Much Is The Settlement
The settlement amount is $25million.
The court agreed that the evidence shows Oracle sorts employees based on their job requirements. This lets the case move forward. Three female Oracle employees started the lawsuit in 2017, saying women weren’t paid fairly in California. Last year, a group of 4,100 Oracle workers got certified as part of the case. It includes women in specific roles from June 2013, except for managers and new hires.
How To File A Claim
There is no claim form available right now, fill one out when it is available.
Rong Jewett, et al. v. Oracle America Inc., Case No. 17-CIV-02669 Is not a scam. Just like CFPB Discrimination $6M Settlement, Oracle recently settled a discrimination lawsuit for $25 million. The lawsuit alleged that the company paid female employees less than their male counterparts.