Orgain Protein Class Action Lawsuit: A Scam? Read This First
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Tricia Bennett and Mai Pham weren’t too pleased with Orgain and Nestle. They filed this class action lawsuit because they’re saying these companies fibbed about how much grass-fed protein is in Orgain protein products. It’s like they’re claiming there’s more of the good stuff in there than there actually is.

Who Is Eligible For The Orgain Protein Class Action Lawsuit
What’s the fuss? Orgain LLC and Nestle Health Science U.S. Holdings Inc. are in hot water because they’ve been accused of playing fast and loose with the truth. They allegedly led folks to believe that there’s more grass-fed protein in their Orgain protein shakes, nutritional blends, and powders than there actually is. This all came to a head with a class action lawsuit filed back on October 13 in California.
How Much Is The Settlement
There is no settlement amount available for now.
Tricia Bennett and Mai Pham, the ones behind this whole shebang, they’re saying that the idea that Orgain’s protein products are all about that grass-fed goodness is a big deal to folks. They’re pointing at labels, like on the Orgain Kids Protein Shake, that shout “8g GRASS-FED PROTEIN.” But here’s the twist – it’s not just grass-fed protein; it’s a mix of grass-fed and organic protein, or so they say.
How To File A Claim
There is currently no claim form available, fill one out when it is.
Omega-3s reportedly offer health benefits such as fighting inflammation, immune system benefits and prevention of chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. “Thus the belief that the (Orgain protein products) are made with only grass-fed protein is material to consumers,” Bennett and Pham claim. As an example of allegedly deceptive labeling, the plaintiffs point to the label of an Orgain Kids Protein Shake that prominently states “8g GRASS-FED PROTEIN.”. However, the represented amount of grass-fed protein in the product is actually a blend of grass-fed protein and organic protein, according to the class action.
Tricia Bennett, et al. v. Orgain LLC, et al., Case No. 3:23-cv-01877-RSH-SBC is not a scam. Just like Spartan mosquito false advertising settlement, Tricia Bennett and Mai Pham are not happy with Orgain and Nestle. They filed this class action lawsuit because they’re saying these companies fibbed about how much grass-fed protein is in Orgain protein products.