Famousochallenge.com Reviews: Beware Of This Fake Louis Vuitton Store!

Famousochallenge.com is a fake Louis Vuitton store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for bags but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending be Louis Vuitton whereas it’s not. It…

Cxkdwy.com Reviews: Scam Store Impersonating Ralph Lauren- Beware!

Cxkdwy.com is a fake Ralph Lauren store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for sweaters but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending be Ralph Lauren whereas it’s not. It…

Playmartbefore.com Reviews: Labelled Scam- Avoid At All Costs!

Playmartbefore.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for baby’s stroller but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending be selling ugg slippers whereas it’s not….

Dysoya Reviews: Scam? See Suspicious Red Flags!

Dysoya.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for baby’s stroller but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending be selling baby stroller whereas it’s not….

Gelightsale.com Reviews: Scam Store Ripping Off Buyers- Beware!

Gelightsale.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for music system but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending be selling music system whereas it’s not….

Impulse Inc Song Reviewer Scam or Legit? Unveiling The Truth

The Impulse Inc scam is a sneaky scheme where scammers trick people into paying $19 for supposed song review training. However, the training is just a smokescreen, offering minimal content. Users often find their accounts don’t work, and the scammers vanish, leaving victims without refunds. This article exposes how it works. What Is The Impulse…

Don’t Fall For The 619DW Guns & Ammo Closing Sale Scam: Fake Facebook Ads!

Have you read or heard about The 619DW Guns & Ammo Closing Sale? Beware! It is a scam. Scammers create fake websites that looks like the real firearms store and shooting range. Scammers build lookalike sites with 619DW’s logo, product images, and overall brand aesthetics. After payments are made, they swindle buyers by failing to…

Ivydaycandy.com Reviews: Scam Store Exposed- Don’t Be Their Victim!

Ivydaycandy.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for eyelash serum but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending to be selling eyelash serum whereas it’s…

Laurentyn Reviews: Scam Store Ripping Off Buyers- Beware!

Laurentyn.com is a fake online store and a scam targeting online shoppers. It lures buyers with huge discounts and limited stock offers, receives payments for puffer coat but fails to deliver the items and respond to customers mails. The first red flag of this scam store is pretending to be selling puffer coats whereas it’s…

Beware The Trademark Fort Scam – Here’s What Victims Say

Trademark registration scams are becoming more common these days. Often starting with an unsolicited email to small business owners, it ends in a sour taste as victims lost thousands of dollars to the crooks parading themselves as Trademark attorneys. The latest reported trademark registration scam is the Trademark Fort scam (trademarkfort.com). Exposing The Trademark Fort…