Pestects Mosquitoes Repellent Bracelet Reviews: Did This Bug Repellent Work For Me? Read This

Mosquitoes are annoying and can make us sick. With the rise of these insects, many repellant bracelets have flooded the market one of such popular products is the Pestects mosquitoes repellent bracelet. Do you want to buy it? I tried this bracelet on my trip and here is my review after use.

Overview Of Pestects Mosquitoes Repellent Bracelet

The Pestects Bracelet is an insect repellent it keeps them away by giving off a smell they don’t like. It’s made from plant stuff, not chemicals. When you wear it, you’re less likely to get mosquito bites.

The ingredients in this bug repellant include:

These ingredients (peppermint, eucalyptus, citronella, lemongrass) smell bad to mosquitoes, so they stay away.

My Experience Using Pestects Mosquitoes Repellent Bracelet

As someone who frequently gets bitten which usually means a trip to the Drs as I have such an extreme reaction I was skeptical about these but willing to give anything a try. I hate having to cover myself in Deet and worry about what it does to my skin. And just like Cliganic, they are made of leather.

I bought these back in late June from Amazon and have been wearing them since. On my holiday to Spain last week having looked at trip advisor Mosquitoes were a big issue. I wore one around my ankle and one round my wrist it’s pretty comfortable to wear for such an affordable price. Day one seemed to work ok – that evening , it didn’t really go well.

Also the “300 hours” of smell is a huge exaggeration as if you do swim with the bands despite the pack saying you can, the smell is gone within the day. Even though it did help at first, on the long run it will do nothing for you.

Pestects Mosquito Repellant Pros:

  1. It’s pretty affordable
  2. Has a comfy feeling to it cause it’s adjustable
  3. I love the colors
  4. You can wear it on your wrist and ankle

Pestects Mosquito Repellant Cons:

  1. Worked for a day
  2. The smell doesn’t really last as marketed

Does Mosquitoe Repellant Bracelets Work?

No they do not work. There is no scientific evidence to show that these bracelets work against bugs and mosquitoes. A user said:

These might work for other people in other places. However, I stopped wearing them after putting on a fresh one from a new pack halfway through our holiday in Thailand. I stopped because the day after putting on a new one I noticed a mosquito bite on my ankle only because the band was rubbing against it!


Also the bracelet does not work once you go under water, this goes against the waterproof claim made by the brand. You should definitely reconsider your options if this bracelet is going to be your savior.

Where To Buy

You can buy Pestects Mosiquotes repellant bracelet from the product’s official website at or from Amazon and ebay. The prices differ on these website but it’s between £14.99 to £20.99.

How To Use

Put the Pestects Bracelet on your wrist or ankle. Not too loose or tight. Wear it 15 minutes before seeing mosquitoes. It works better when it’s warm and based on what you’re doing.


In conclusion, The manufacturers of Pestects Bracelet claim that it can help you get repel mosquitoes from biting you. Though it is stylish and pretty comfy to wear it didn’t help me with the mosquitoes issues.

Have you bought this product? Did it work for you? Share your thoughts in the comment section or browse through our catalogue.


  • Can the Pestects Mosquito Repellant Bracelet be used when swimming or in the rain? Ans: You can use the Pestects Bracelet when it’s wet, but too much water can make it less effective.
  • How long does the Pestects Mosquito Repellant Bracelet last before needing to be replaced? Ans: The bracelet lasts around 15 days, then replace it for best results.
  • Can the Pestects Mosquito Repellant Bracelet be worn alongside other accessories like watches or bracelets? Ans: You can wear the bracelet with other accessories, but it should touch your skin to work well.
  • Is the Pestects Mosquito Repellant Bracelet suitable for individuals with sensitive skin? Ans: People with sensitive skin can use it, but test a small area first if you’re not sure.
  • Can the Pestects Mosquito Repellant Bracelet be used by pregnant women? Ans: Pregnant women should ask a doctor before using the bracelet or any repellent.

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