Is Shark Bar Class Action Settlement A Scam? All You Need To Know

Did you receive a notice from Shark bar about a class action settlement?. It is not a scam, you received the mail because you filed a claim.

In case you’ve forgotten, The TCPA class action settlement against the Shark Bar and Angles Rock Bar was filed on behalf of all individuals who received unsolicited text messages from the bars.

Who Is Eligible For The Shark Bar Settlement?

If you have received two or more text messages from Shark Bar and/or Angels Rock Bar within a year, even though you registered your number on the National Do Not Call Registry, you may be eligible for the settlement. However, if you made a purchase at Shark Bar or Angels Rock Bar and didn’t receive at least two text messages within 18 months of your last transaction, you won’t qualify for the settlement.

How Much Is The Shark Bar Settlement

Each voucher in the settlement is valued at $113, and you can use them at different establishments within Kansas City’s Power & Light District. Some of these establishments include Shark Bar, PBR Big Sky, Mosaic, McFadden’s Sports Saloon, No Other Pub, Pizza Bar, Leinenkugel’s Leinie Lodge & Beer Garden, and Guy Fieri’s Dive & Taco Joint.

If you prefer cash instead of vouchers, the payment per person who filed a claim will be $56.50.

How To File A Claim

If you want to get a settlement payment. Make sure to fill out a valid claim form by by July 10, 2023.. That’s the deadline, so don’t miss it!

If you are eligible , click here  


In conclusion,J.T. Hand v. Beach Entertainment KC LLC, et al., Case No. 4:18-cv-668-NKL, and J.T. Hand v. ARB KC LLC, et al.,action lawsuit is not a scam. Just like Louisville and Jefferson County lawsuit settlement, this lawsuit stems from accusations that the company sent unsolicited text messages to individuals from the bars.

However, If you experienced this problem, then you may be eligible to file a claim under the settlement terms. You can browse through other Class action settlements we have reviewed.

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