Smile Brands Data Breach Settlement: Is It Genuine? See If You Qualify

Did you receive Smile Brands Data Breach Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

Smile Brands had a bit of a hiccup with a data breach in 2021. They didn’t manage to keep personal and medical info as safe as they should’ve. But here’s the scoop: they’ve agreed to settle a class action lawsuit about it. They’re not admitting they messed up, but they’re tossing some money into the pot to make things right.

Who Is Eligible For The Smile Brands Data Breach Settlement

So, here’s the deal. If you got a letter or notice from Smile Brands or one of their dental offices about a data breach in 2021, you might be in luck.

Around that time, some sneaky hackers got into Smile Brands’ computer systems and swiped info from about 1.5 million dental patients. Not cool, right? Well, some folks said that Smile Brands should’ve done a better job keeping their data safe.

How Much Is The Settlement

So, Smile Brands didn’t say they are were wrong when it came to that data breach, but they’re still willing to make things right. They’re shelling out some cash to settle the score.

If you’ve got the documents to show you suffered unreimbursed losses because of the breach, you could snag up to $5,000. If you can prove you lost some hours dealing with the fallout, you might get $25 per hour, up to 5 hours, for a max of $125.

Plus, there’s a little extra if you’re part of the gang. The total amount for each of you will depend on how many folks jump in on this. It could be anywhere from $15 to $150.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a valid claim form before the deadline Nov. 16, 2023.

Click here if you are eligible


In conclusion, Hellyer v. Smile Brands Inc., Case No. 8:21-cv-01886-DOC-ADS is not a scam. Just like Memorial Health Contract Settlement, Smile Brands didn’t say they are were wrong when it came to that data breach, but they’re still willing to make things right. They’re shelling out some cash to settle the score.

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