Speoter.com Reviews (2023) Scam or Legit Store? Find Out!

Do you want to buy ornaments or hair dryer from Speoter? Don’t do that YET! Read this review to find out what I honestly think about this online store, and what you should expect when you shop from Speoter.com

According to FTC, online shopping and negative reviews is the second most reported fraud category in 2023. As a result of this, I have taken the responsibility of reviewing products, stores, websites etc. for your financial safety.

What is Speoter.com Website?

It is an online store that deals in variety of items like bangles, chains, gadgets, tools, utensils, and clothing like dresses, pants, swimsuits, dress, etc. And these items are been offered for very affordable prices.

Unfortunately, Speoter.com isn’t a genuine or trustworthy website to shop from online. During my investigations I discovered the following drawbacks –

  • It is owned by an untrustworthy company that has tons of negative reviews online.
  • The trusted Seals on the website are fake, and not from the authorized organizations.
  • The website was registered on November 2022, so it is working for just few months.
  • Not linked to a working social media page

At this point you should be thinking of aborting mission! But if you’re still keen on shopping from this store, continue reading!

Other Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Shop From Speoter.com;

The Store Has a Couple of Complaints From Customers:

Customers who shopped from Speoter have left reviews stating that they were defrauded by the store. After payment was made, the store sent a fake tracking number. See such complaints below –

This is 100% fake. I had a friend who ordered something from them awhile ago. What he received in the mail was some hat with Chinese writing on it. He was able to contest it with the bank and got his money back then the site disappeared for a while and now seems to be back.


 I tried to order their catalog offered Ecothec E-bike for $98.50. Should have known right there, “If it looks too good to be true, you know the rest”. They not only billed my debit card once, not twice, but THREE(3) D**N TIMES. Now I am in the middle of disputed charges claim with my bank over this that may take (90) Days to resolve! 


Meanwhile, the website  is owned and operated by Hario Trading Co Ltd whose reputation online is terrible. it is a shady company linked to many untrustworthy online stores like OvdoeNamiclothPhoebeFeltingToys, etc.

Shipping & Delivery

Speoter.com creates the impression that its physical store or warehouse is located in England. However, this is not so. The given address ‘Wheatcroft House, Wheatcroft Business Park Landmere Lane‘ is a pseudo address.

One of the mistakes most people make is thinking any store that claims it is located in the UK is legit. Most of these companies were registered at the UK Companies House were it is very easy to register a company. You only need to provide $5, a pseudo identity and a virtual address which you can rent from virtual address service providers.

In the real sense, Hario Trading Company Limited is not located in England. Like most of the reviews online indicate, the products came all the way from China.

Return Policy

This store’s refund and exchange policy is not favorable to shoppers. Unlike most known stores, customers have to pay shipping fee when returning an item. Why this doesn’t necessarily make it fraudulent, we’ve seen cases were the return shipping fee is higher than the cost of item bought. This is one action most dubious sites use in frustrating customers.

Copied Contents

The contents on Speoter.com are not original. The About us info, return policy, privacy policy, and other written contents have been copied from another website.

Even the clothes on the website are that of another designer. This is why the faces of the models have been cropped out, a clear case of hiding from the law. As suspected, the real makers of the clothes don’t sell them for such cheap prices.

A website with stolen contents is never regarded as a trustworthy site.

Is Speoter.com Legit?

From the crucial points noted above, Speoter.com is not a legit online store to shop from. The website has a lot of red-flags.

Like most fraudulent e-commerce sites, this store uses super cheap discounts to attract customers. But when orders are placed, customers receive a different item instead of what was ordered. A classic case of bait and switch scam.

Unfortunate customers receive nothing at all, and have no means of contacting the store.


From all indications, Speoter.com is not an authentic online store. It has a poor trust score, and as such not recommended by us. 

Just like Peetlos, Mondreamy, BellaTrends, Hsbrace, Usgoodssale, and other reported suspicious websites, customers wouldn’t receive the item they ordered but a cheap item or nothing at all.

Have you been scammed?- Do This

Shopping from this store exposes customers to the risk of hacked credit card and overcharged fees. Also, customers would either receive an inferior item, a different cheaper item, or nothing at all.

Therefore, it is advised to file complaints to your bank and request for a new credit (debit) card. On the other hand, if you used Paypal as a method of payment, you should document (screenshot) the transactions for future purposes.

Yes, it is true that online shopping has made life easier, however when ordering things online check out the following-

How old is the website? Does it provide return address? Are there customer reviews online? Do the social media icons work?

Always remember you can get the items from trusted sellers on Amazon, like the ones provided above. One of the advantages of shopping from amazon is the return policy. If you are not happy with your order, you can always return your items and get your money back.

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