St. Ann Missouri Jail Class Settlement: See If You Are Eligible

Did you receive the St.Ann Missouri Jail Class Settlement? It’s not a scam. You received it because you filed a claim.

St. Ann, Missouri have decided to pay $3.125 million to settle a lawsuit. The story goes that they got into some trouble, people are saying they were making arrests and throwing people in jail in not-so-great conditions.

Who Is Eligible For The St.Ann Missouri Jail Class Settlement

If you found yourself stuck in the St. Ann jail between August 9, 2011, and November 14, 2022, or got snagged for not paying some fine for breaking a city rule during that time, there’s some good news.

They’ve come up with a settlement, and it’s meant to help out people from both these situations. So, if you were in the St. Ann slammer during that stretch or got in trouble for not paying up a city fine.

How Much Is The Settlement

St. Ann hasn’t admitted any wrongdoing but agreed to resolve the class action lawsuit with a $3.125 million settlement.

Under the terms of the St. Ann Missouri Jail Class Settlement, class members can receive a cash payment based on the number of hours they were incarcerated, subject to a 720-hour cap. Based on these hours, class members will receive a proportional share of the net settlement fund. No payment estimates are available at this time.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a valid claim form before the deadline Feb 28 to receive settlement.

Click here to fill out a claim form


Thomas, et al. v. City of St. Ann, Case No. 4:16-cv-1302, and Walker, et al. v. City of St. Ann, Case No. 4:18-cv-1699 is not a scam. Just like the Apple Family Sharing Settlement. class members can receive a cash payment based on the number of hours they were incarcerated, subject to a 720-hour cap.

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