Uber Eats NYU Background Check Settlement: Is It Legit? Read This First
Did you receive the Uber Eats NYU Background Check Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.
Uber Eats is paying out $3.35 million to settle a little tiff about their background check process. It seems they may have been a bit too trigger-happy with denying aspiring drivers in New York City between October 2015 and July 2021.

Who Is Eligible For The Uber Eats NYU Background Check Settlement
The settlement is for consumers who were denied access to Uber Eats as a delivery person in New York City between Oct. 24, 2015, and July 28, 2021, because of their criminal background.
it’s got two squads. Group 1 is for the people with serious convictions that could be job-related, you know, based on the type and how recent those convictions are. Now, in Group 2, we’ve got the crew with convictions that are less likely to raise eyebrows when it comes to the job scene. So, depending on where you fall, there might be some settlement coming your way from the Uber Eats settlement.
How Much Is The Settlement
Uber Eats decided to drop $3.35 million to put an end to this background check drama. Now, if you’re in Group 1, you might get $70 as a one-time payment. If you’re in the more flexible Group 2, your payday could be much more better.
How To File A Claim
There is currently no claim form as class members who are eligible will be considered automatically. The deadline for objection is Dec. 29, 2023.
Click here to go the NYUberEatsSettlement.com website.
In conclusion, Aguilera, et al. v. Uber Technologies Inc. d/b/a Uber Eats, Case No. 509275/2023, is not a scam. Just like Allianz Global Assistance Settlement, The people in the class action lawsuit are saying Uber Eats messed up big time with their background checks.
They’re claiming it was a flawed process that unfairly kicked people with criminal records to the curb. Also to add insult to injury, they say Uber Eats didn’t even give them the info they’re legally supposed to give out.