I Tried The Popular Unthin Hair Treatment Spray For Hair Loss: Here Is The Outcome After 4 Weeks

Are you tired of dealing with hair loss and looking for solutions that actually work? Then you must have come the viral Unthin Hair Treatment. Does it work?

In this review, I’ll share my experience trying this hair loss treatment, its pros, cons and what to expect while using it.

What Is the Unthin Hair Treatment Spray

So the Unthin Treatment Spray is a daily spray that blends these ingredients called Minoxidil and Finasteride to fight male hair loss. The manufacturers claim that It works for common hair loss issues in men like thinning, receding hairlines, and balding at the crown.


  • Minoxidil: Boosts blood flow to hair follicles.
  • Finasteride: Blocks the hormone DHT, which causes male pattern baldness.

My Expereince Trying Unthin Treatment On My Hair

I used Regaine for quite a while before I decided to give Unthin a shot. I’ll be honest, I was a bit skeptical at first after seeing before and after pictures on reddit, I went ahead and ordered from their website, Unthin.com.

Around 4 to 6 months later, I started noticing some fine hair regrowth on my crown, and my overall hair seemed to be thickening up. Now, it’s not a miracle worker because my temples didn’t see as much improvement, and after about 8 months, the progress slowed down.

But here’s my take: If you can spare the £40 a month and you’re dealing with early-stage hair loss, it’s definitely worth a try before jumping into something like a hair transplant, in my humble opinion


  • After using Unthin, I saw fine hair regrowth on my crown in about 4-6 months.
  • My overall hair started getting thicker, which was a nice surprise.
  • It’s a more affordable option at £40 a month compared to something like a hair transplant.


  • It didn’t work as well on my temples; the regrowth there was a bit disappointing.
  • The progress seemed to slow down after about 8 months.

Does Unthin Hair Treatment Really Work?

Yes it works but you will need to give it a long period of time. If you are hoping for a miracle within 4 weeks, you will be shocked to discover nothing out of the ordinary with your hair. In my experience it took almost a year and i was on my 3 bottle to see visible changes. A customer report said

After noticing an acceleration in hair loss I decided to give this a go. After a few months I started to see regrowth, and now over a year in I have seen a significant increase in hair, although not a complete reversal. My only complaint is after two doses my hair becomes quite greasy looking.


How To Use

  1. Use the Treatment Spray on your hair loss areas.
  2. Do this six times a day – once in the morning and once at night.
  3. Make sure to rub it in until it’s absorbed and dry.

Where To Buy

You can buy this product from their official website unthin.com.

Alternatives To Unthin Hair Spray

  1. The Panthrix Hair Growth Serum is here to help your hair grow naturally. It’s all thanks to Redensyl, a special ingredient that knows how to wake up lazy hair cells and get them working again. So, it’s like a natural hair growth booster.
  2. HyunGang Korea Ginseng Hair Regrowth Serum Spray says it helps hair grow back. How? Well, it’s got some herbal buddies like ginger, ginseng, and rosemary in the mix.
  3. Sons Full Works is like a super plan for your hair. It stops hair loss, makes it grow more, and keeps it healthy. But here’s the deal: Just like any prescription medicine, talk to a doctor before using it.
  4. The topical finasteride & minoxidil spray: This spray is for guys dealing with male pattern hair loss, which is when your hair slowly gets thinner, especially around the front or the top of your head.

Also try Revita hair shampoo


To wrap it up about Unthin Hair Spray, it’s a product that aims to help with hair loss. It didn’t work as well on my temples; the regrowth there was a bit disappointing.


Q1: Does it really work?

  • A1: These sprays can be effective for some people, but results may vary. It’s important to use them consistently and follow the instructions.

Q2: How long does it take to work?

  • A2: Patience is key. It can take several weeks to a few months to see noticeable results. Stick with it!

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