Is The Virgin Islands JPMorgan Chase and Epstein Lawsuit A Genuine Class Action? Read This

Did you receive Virgin Islands JPMorgan Chase and Epstein Lawsuit? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

JP Morgan Chase is in the spotlight for a $75 million settlement with the U.S. Virgin Islands. It’s all about claims that the bank made some money off of Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes. The U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Justice just dropped this update.

Who Is Eligible For The Virgin Islands JPMorgan Chase and Epstein Lawsuit

The U.S. Virgin Islands isn’t holding back. They’re aiming for a whopping $150 million in civil penalties, plus about $40 million in profits they believe JP Morgan made while dealing with Epstein. You know, Jeffrey Epstein, who sadly passed away in custody in 2019.

But here’s the twist – JP Morgan already agreed to pay up $290 million back in June to settle different claims related to Epstein’s long-running sex trafficking operation. It’s a real financial showdown.

How Much Is The Settlement

They’re allocating $10 million for mental health services for Epstein’s victims. Plus, they’re putting funds toward local charities that help folks who’ve been victims of crimes like human trafficking and domestic violence. U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General Ariel M. Smith is calling it a big win for survivors and a reminder to Wall Street about their responsibility to tackle human trafficking.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a claim form when its available.


In conclusion, Government of the United States Virgin Islands v. JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Case No. 1:22-cv-10904. Just like Memorial Health Contract Settlement, The U.S. Virgin Islands isn’t holding back. They’re aiming for a whopping $150 million in civil penalties, plus about $40 million in profits they believe JP Morgan made while dealing with Epstein. You know, Jeffrey Epstein, who sadly passed away in custody in 2019.

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