Wayside Church Settlement Email 2023: Legit or Scam?
Did you receive the Wayside Church, et al. v. Van Buren County, et al., settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.
In case you’ve forgotten, Several counties in Michigan have reached a settlement in a class action lawsuit. The lawsuit alleged that these counties did not properly distribute the extra money generated from the sales of properties due to tax foreclosure. The Wayside church settlement lawsuit claimed that the counties did not distribute this surplus money correctly. Now, to resolve the claims, the counties have agreed to a settlement in the class action lawsuit.
Who Is Eligible For The Wayside Church, Settlement
A settlement that has been reached will bring benefits to people who owned a property in Michigan that was foreclosed and sold by certain counties between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2020. If you are one of those individuals. However, you may be eligible to participate in the settlement. The settlement is designed to address the issue of these counties not properly distributing the surplus money from the sales of foreclosed properties.
How Much Is The Settlement
As stated on the settlement website, individuals who file a claim can expect to receive approximately 80% of the extra money generated from the sale of their foreclosed property. In other words, if there was a surplus amount remaining after covering the unpaid taxes, claimants have the opportunity to receive a significant portion of that surplus. The settlement aims to provide some compensation to the affected individuals for the funds that were not initially returned to them.
How To File A Claim
If you want to get a Wayside Church settlement payment. Make sure to fill out a valid claim form by by Aug. 7, 2023.. That’s the deadline, so don’t miss it!
If you are eligible for the claim click here
In conclusion,Wayside Church, et al. v. Van Buren County, et al., settlement is not a scam. Just like Louisville and Jefferson County lawsuit settlement, this lawsuit stems from accusations that the company violated Illinois law by collecting biometric data from its employees without obtaining their written consent.
However, If you experienced this problem, then you may be eligible to file a claim under the settlement terms.