Woolite Color Renew Settlement: Scam Or Legit? Find Out

Did you receive the Woolite Color Renew Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

Who Is Eligible Woolite Color Renew Settlement

Did you use Woolite Color Renew to revive your clothes’ colors? Well, there’s a $3.275 million class action lawsuit settlement from Reckitt Benckiser. They’re resolving claims about falsely advertising the product. And here’s the good part – you don’t even need a proof of purchase to join in if you bought it in California (Feb. 1, 2017, to May 1, 2023), New York (Feb. 22, 2018, to May 1, 2023), or Massachusetts (Feb. 22, 2017, to May 1, 2023).

People are saying that Reckitt Benckiser pulled a fast one by advertising Woolite Color Renew as this color-reviving wizard for your laundry. The class action lawsuit claims they broke the rules in California, New York, and Massachusetts by spreading what they argue are false and misleading claims.

How Much Is Settlement

They’re paying out a hefty $3.275 million to settle the score on that whole false advertising thing. As part of the deal, if you’re part of the class action crew and bought Woolite Color Renew, you could be in for some cash. No receipts required, they’re talking about three bottles’ worth of payments.

How To File A Claim

To fill out a valid claim form before the deadline Dec. 19, 2023.

Click here to fill out a claim form


Prescott, et al. v. Reckitt Benckiser LLC, Case No. 5:20-cv-02101-BLF, is not a scam. Just like Allianz Global Assistance Settlement, As part of the deal, if you’re part of the class action crew and bought Woolite Color Renew, you could be in for some cash. No receipts required; they’re talking about three bottles’ worth of payments.

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