You Got Owned Scam Email: Malware Threat & Bitcoin Extortion! Don’t Fall For This!
Have you received an email that says ‘Got You. You Got Owned’? Does It claim your device have been infected with a malware (RAT) Remote Administration Tool? Beware! It’s a bitcoin extortion scam!
This particular phishing tactic keep occurring every year, and sadly lots of people keep falling for it. If you’ve received the You Got Owned Scam Email and Rat Malware Remote Administration Tool, there’s no need to panic. It is not real! and the scammers don’t have your video or data.

You Got Owned Email Scam- How Does This Scam work?
The goal of the email is to make recipients panic and send bitcoin to the bitcoin address. The sender claims they’ve infected you with a malware (RAT)/(Remote Administration Tool), some time ago and since then, they have been observing your actions. The text also says that you can stop them by transferring exactly: 400$ with the current bitcoin (BTC) price to their bitcoin address. However, this is all false.
First of all, if the scammers have your data or video, they’d have sent you a copy of it as a proof. Secondly, most people who don’t have a webcam have received this exact email word by word. This proves it’s a broadcast phishing scam.
So far, the scam email has been sent from the following email address; [email protected], [email protected], Got You [email protected], etc.
The bitcoin extortion email comes in this format;
From: Got You [email protected]
I know your password!
I infected you with a malware (RAT)/(Remote Administration Tool), some time ago and since then, I have been observing your actions. The malware gave me full access and control over your system, meaning, I can see everything on your screen, turn on your camera or microphone and you won’t even notice about it, yes such things exist, you can Google it!
I have also access to all your contacts, I collected everything private from you, pictures, videos, everything!
I can send this video to all your contacts (email, social network) and publish all your private stuff everywhere!
You can prevent me from doing this!
To stop me, transfer exactly: 400$ with the current bitcoin (BTC) price to my bitcoin address.
If you don’t know how to get bitcoin, Google – “How to buy Bitcoin”, it’s very simple for example with credit card. The wallet you can create here:
My bitcoin address is: bc1qn8lf2w0v24uvk7x7epmmftuqyhtlkvf44ng6td
Copy and paste my address – it’s (CASE-sensitive).
You know this all isn’t a joke, you got the proof above!
I think it’s a very good price compared to the damage and hell it can bring into your life!
After receiving the payment, I will delete everything from you and you can life your live in peace like before. I give you 3 days to get the bitcoins!
Don’t share this email with anyone, this should stay our little secret!
What To Do If You Fell For The Scam
If you already sent bitcoin to the bitcoin address, there’s no way to get it back. Scammers are using bitcoin because it is untraceable. This is why Scammers are always finding new ways to steal your money using cryptocurrency.
Only scammers demand payment in cryptocurrency. No legitimate business is going to demand you send cryptocurrency in advance – not to buy something, and not to protect your money. That’s always a scam.
What Should You Do If You Receive The ”You Got Owned” Scam Email
The first thing you should do is delete the email immediately as it is obviously a phishing scam. You should also inform your family and friends, promptly. This kind of scam is often sent to a targeted group of people using the same network or on the same contact list.
Also, you can report scams, untrustworthy websites and tell us why you consider the websites fraudulent. See similar phishing scam; Wal Tracking Scam, Delware BPO Scam, Publix 90TH Anniversary, etc.