Zipcar $300 000 Fine (NHTSA) Lawsuit: Is It A Genuine Class Action?

Did you receive Zipcar $300,000 Fine (NHTSA) Lawsuit email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

Who Is Eligible For The Zipcar $300,000 Fine (NHTSA) Lawsuit

Zipcar, the popular car-sharing service, got hit with a hefty $300,000 fine from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The reason? Well, they were caught renting out vehicles with open recalls, which is a big no-no according to the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

How Much Is The Settlement

Zipcar recently got slapped with a $300,000 fine by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). What’s the scoop? Well, Zipcar got busted for renting out cars that had open recalls. This whole ordeal falls under the jurisdiction of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act of 2015 (FAST Act), which made it a no-no to rent out cars with unrepaired recalls.

Ann Carlson, the acting bigwig at NHTSA, had some words to share. She said, “Cars with open recalls are like ticking time bombs on the road. So, we’re taking this seriously and doing everything we can to keep everyone safe, whether you’re in your own car or a rental.

How To File A Claim

Here’s the deal with Zipcar and this fine. They’ve got to do a few things to make things right. However, First, they need to send over an audit report for all their vehicles with open recalls within 150 days after the consent order kicks in. And they’ve got to make sure their employees know all about the NHTSA’s recall rules.


Zipcar $300,000 Fine (NHTSA) Lawsuit is not a scam. Just like Spartan mosquito false advertising settlement, They’ve got to do a few things to make things right. However, First, they need to send over an audit report for all their vehicles with open recalls within 150 days after the consent order kicks in. And they’ve got to make sure their employees know all about the NHTSA’s recall rules.

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